Call before coming – 022 755 55 33
Our address: Cabinet Vétérinaire International, Route Suisse 9, 1295 Mies

Not only our recently renovated facilities are spacious and filled with natural light, but are also equipped with state-of-the-art equipment that allows us to provide the best care to our clients and their beloved pets.
Please always call before coming to our veterinary practice. If you do not do this, there is a risk that we will be too busy with an emergency (on or off-site) and that we will not be able to receive you.
When you call us, our staff will schedule an appointment for you 24/7 for the next available slot.
Clients appreciate that we immediately set up a telephone appointment with them before coming in person for the following reasons:
Benefits for you
1. Avoid the dangerous mistake of making your pet worse
By avoiding infection through direct contact with contagious animals in a crowded waiting room.

2. Saves you from wasting your time unnecessarily
This makes it easier for you to relax in the comfort of your home until it’s time for your consultation, instead of being crammed into a waiting room for hours.

3. Helps reduce the stress associated with a veterinary consultation
Because it gives you the certainty of being taken care of immediately when you arrive at our veterinary practice.